Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub-Committee
Agenda Item 27
Subject: Strategic Risk Focus Report: SR13 and SR37
Date of meeting: 10th January 2023
Report of: Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care
Contact Officer: Name: Kat Brett
Tel: 01273 293846
Ward(s) affected: All
1.1 To report to the Adult Social Care and Public Health sub-committee on the latest quarterly update to the Strategic Risks (SRs) that are owned by the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care.
1.2 For this meeting there are two SRs to receive focus and to enable Members’ questions to be asked there will be attendance by relevant officers.
SR13 Not keeping adults safe from harm and abuse.
SR37 Adverse impact on health outcomes and business continuity from high levels of Covid transmission and outbreaks in the city.
That the Adult Social Care and Public Health sub-committee:
2.1 Note Appendix 1 with details of the two SRs and mitigating controls and actions.
2.2 Note Appendix 2 which provides:
i. a guide on the risk management process;
ii. guidance on how Members might want to ask questions of Risk Owners, or officers connected to the strategic risks; and
iii. details of opportunities for Members, or officers, to input on Strategic Risks at various points and levels.
2.3 Make recommendations for further action(s) to the Risk Owner.
3.1 The city council’s SRs are reviewed quarterly by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) taking on board comments from quarterly risk reviews carried out at Directorate Management Teams. This process ensures the currency of the city council’s SRR.
3.2 The Audit and Standards Committee will annually review the Risk Management Framework with a view to ensuring it is fit for purpose.
3.3 The Adult Social Care and Public Health sub-committee has a role to monitor and form an opinion on the effectiveness of risk management and internal control in relation to the strategic risks within this report and make any recommendations for actions in relation to risk management.
3.4 The current risk score takes account of the existing controls in place to mitigate the risk. The target risk score assumes that all risk actions are successfully delivered. The ‘likelihood’ (L) score ranges from Almost Impossible (1) to Almost Certain (5) and the ‘impact’ (I) score ranges from Insignificant (1) to Catastrophic (5). These scores are multiplied to give the risk score.
4.1 Through consultation with ELT and the Audit & standards Committee, the Risk Management process currently in operation was deemed to be the most suitable model.
5.1 This is an internal risk reporting process and as such no engagement or consultation has been undertaken in this regard.
6.1 The council must ensure that it manages its risks and meets it responsibilities and deliver its Corporate Plan, risk management is evidence for good governance.
7.1 There are no direct financial implications arising from this report. Sound corporate governance, risk management and control are essential to the
financial health and reputation of the council.
Name of finance officer consulted: Sophie Warburton
Date consulted: 08/12/2022
8.1 Appendix 1 to this Report provides a detailed description of the Strategic Risks being focused on in this Committee cycle as they relate to the functions of this Committee. The description for each risk makes reference to any legal implications of a direct nature.
8.2 The purpose of the Brighton & Hove Council Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub-Committee is to discharge the functions of Brighton & Hove City Council in relation to adult social care, learning disabilities and public health. The Strategic Risks associated with any of these functions form an integral part of the purpose of the Committee.
Name of lawyer consulted: Sandra O’Brien
Date consulted: 12/12/2022
9.1 Equalities implications are considered in describing strategic risks, their potential consequences and when developing mitigating actions. This will continue to be part of regular ELT & DMT risk review sessions. Equalities Impact Assessments are a regular part of activity within Health and Adult Social Care and will be undertaken where relevant for mitigating actions.
9.2 SR13 and SR37 both have a key focus on outcomes for people with safeguarding, health, and social needs in the city.
10.1 Sustainability implications are considered in describing strategic risks, their potential consequences and when developing mitigating actions. This will continue to be part of regular ELT & DMT risk review sessions.
11.1 Public health implications are considered in describing strategic risks, their potential consequences and when developing mitigating actions. This will continue to be part of regular ELT & DMT risk review sessions.
11.2 If the risks in SR13 and SR37 occur then there are significant implications for the health and wellbeing of the people in the city, so it is critical to have mitigating actions to reduce the likelihood and impact of these risks occurring. Through our fair and inclusive action plan and the day-to-day work of Public Health and Adult Social Care, we aim to reduce inequalities and hence the enhanced impacts that certain groups of people in the city may face.
Supporting Documentation
1. Strategic Risks – SR13 and SR37
2. A guide on the risk management process